Exercises You Can Do With Your Cat And Best Cat Exercise Equipments

Exercising ensures that cats stay healthy and happy. In addition, exercises improve cats muscles, and protect their joints. And it also allows animals to release their stress and energy.

Having a cat is a unique and amazing experience for cat-loving people. However, to enjoy a cat's friendship, you have to fulfill some responsibilities, such as keeping them healthy. Although cats are emotionally independent animals and, for example, do not need frequent washing, they still need to exercise .
The amount of energy that a cat should discard will vary depending on its age and characteristics. If the cat is a lazy cat, it will most likely not tolerate intense physical activities that last for hours. What kind of exercises can you do with your cat?

Your Cat Needs Exercise

Cats are congenital actors and curious animals. And although entertaining cats is a much more difficult task than dogs, cats also love to explore and have fun. Both for this reason and if you want your cat to exercise regularly, you will need to learn how to manage a cat's attention.


Pin pon and golf balls or wool or yarn balls are great fun toys for catsUnlike dogs, cats roll them back and forth between their paws, rather than picking them up and returning them. Since cats have the risk of eating and drowning, it is useful to watch them carefully when playing with yarn balls.
Cat Exercise Wheel
A bored cat is an unhappy cat, and without a stimulating environment, cats can get bored quickly. The cat exercise wheel gives cats a safe outlet for energy that would otherwise manifest in destructive or unwanted behaviors, like clawing at the furniture, racing through the halls, or harassing their humans. Being entirely cat-driven, the cat exercise wheel needs no batteries or power source, and it can be used by the cat without any assistance. Some training will be required cats do not have a natural instinct to run on a wheel but once your cat learns how to use their new toy, they'll hop on it throughout the day, usually going for a quick sprint or two every few hours.

Cardboard Boxes 
Cardboard boxes are a favorite toy of many cats; because when playing with this toy, there are also options for jumping, hiding or shaking the boxes. To get the most out of a cardboard boxoles and pull these toys back and forth and play with your cat.

Also, if you have more than one cat, you can even create a structure with a variety of different boxes. Just make sure what you're doing is made of solid cardboard. In this way, you will ensure that the entertainment lasts much longer for your cat.
When you think about what exercises you can do with your cat, playing with a cardboard box is the most practical and fun way. Because this way, your cat can move around the box all the time. 

Rope Roll

Take a string and tie a feather or other small thing at the end. Then just shake this simple toy. This toy will definitely attract your cat's full attention. Cats tend to behave like hunters, and the small object at the end of the rope acts as a prey.

his toy is a simple alternative to exercises you can do with your cat. While the cat owner plays his cat with this toy, it does not make much effort, and it is a very fun and enjoyable game for everyone.

Recycled Materials

Paper balls and cork stoppers also serve as toys. The materials from which these materials are made are harmless to cats and can be used as low-budget cat toys.


Another way to entertain a cat is to lower the brightness of the light in a room and then to light it up, moving it back and forth. The cat will follow the light coming out of the lantern for a long time.

Hide and Seek

Playing hide and seek will always be an excellent exercise option. Cats love to chase their owners by running and playing games. They even want to start the games themselves If your cat is hiding and then calling you persistently, it means that they probably want to play hide and seek with you.

Back yard

Lucky cat owners with an open area also have an amusement park ready for cats. Cats have a lot of fun with different textures of plants or by trying to hunt birds.

Going for Walks

Believe it or not, there are special leashes for cats only. These leashes are a great helper to go for a walk with your cat; but you should never forget that cats and dogs behave completely different from each other. Cats will probably not intend to walk properly with their owners. Because cats need some more excitement. It is almost an essential requirement for cats to discover and jump around.
Remember that you should make sure that there are no dogs around during your hike . Because if you encounter a dog while walking, this can be a traumatic experience for both the animal and its owner.

Exercises You Can Do With Your Cat and How To Do These Exercises

Although all cats are different from each other, there are some general recommendations that cat owners can apply for exercises. These:
  • There is no better toy than a cat's favorite toy. This way is a sure and solid way to grab the cat's attention.
  • The appropriate time for daily exercises is 10 minutes, two times each day.
  • One way to train a cat to exercise is to repeat its name during an action it performs. This will keep the cat's attention alive.
  • The cat should feel like playing. This is the best stimulant for a cat.