Just like humans, pets can suffer from allergies. One of the most common issues of cat health, food allergies, is easy to remedy with the right care. Food allergies in felines are the third most common type of allergy your cat may suffer from. To understand these allergies and how to best treat them, it helps to know more about the nutritional needs of cats. Cats need protein, which comes from meat such as chicken, fish, lamb, pork or beef. They also need the proper amino acids in addition to healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. Pet foods are designed to meet these needs.

However, many pet foods also contain things that cats do not need. Wheat, corn and rice are commonly found in cat food. Cats do not need to consume carbohydrates. Some cats may be allergic to these ingredients. Your cat may also experience sensitivity to some of the fillers or preservatives used. If you think your feline is suffering from food allergies, you should consult your veterinarian right away. Your veterinarian can run tests and evaluate whether or not food allergies are actually an issue for your pet.

The most common age for a cat to develop food allergies is between the ages of 2 and 6. Of course, cats much younger or older can develop these allergies, it's just not as common. You will find the symptoms of allergies include itchy skin and other epidermic problems in your pet. It is important not to confuse intolerance with allergies. Food intolerance can lead to bowel problems and vomiting, while allergies often do not manifest this way. Of course, the symptoms your cat is having may not even be related to diet at all. There are various reasons your cat may have itchy skin or other epidermic problems.

When dealing with cat health, food allergies are easy to treat. The solution lies in finding the right food that your kitty is not allergic to. Your veterinarian is likely quite experienced in treating feline allergies and can provide the ideal type of food for your cat. You may have to obtain the food from the veterinarian's office or you may be able to purchase it from your local pet store. You may find that special food is bit more costly than the supermarket brands but it is worth it for the health and comfort of your beloved feline.
